Finding your success through a path of self-compassion with Terra Ayres

Discovering Your Potential

Whatever challenge you face right now is a doorway to enriching your life; you don’t have to walk through it alone.

My coaching is designed to help you discover who you want to become and tap into the abundance of resources you didn’t even know you possessed. My wellness journey has allowed me to create a judgment-free space where we can work as a team with the tough questions and accountability required to illuminate your path to success.

I believe with my whole heart that each of us is here to let the light of our being shine, and my light shines brightest when I’m helping others create a life they love. Let’s discover your potential together! The journey truly is the reward.

The journey is truly the reward

Meet Terra Ayres

Coach Terra Ayres

I’m Terra Ayres and I’m a certified Life Coach specializing in Health and Wellness with over 20 years of experience guiding others through the process of making positive changes in their lives.

My own challenges with weight, eating, and body issues fueled me to discover a balanced and healthy life for myself that didn’t require restriction and deprivation. Now 75 pounds lighter, I’ve made it my life’s work to help others achieve their most meaningful life goals through a compassionate and effective coaching style.

My goal is to meet you where you are and help you uncover what’s holding you back from where you want to be. From the learnings of your journey of self-discovery, we will create powerful action plans that are livable, sustainable, and most importantly, enjoyable!

If you’re ready to succeed on your terms, you’ve come to the right place!

How to Work with Terra

Let’s get to know each other! I welcome you to book a complimentary, 15-20 minute Discovery Session via Zoom to help us decide if working together is a mutual fit!

Once you’re ready to move forward, choose between weekly or bi-weekly coaching packages, with each session up to one hour in length, also via Zoom. I work with a limited number of clients at a time so I can provide flexibility for your busy schedule!

Whether you have questions or aren’t quite sure if you’re ready, I’m here for you! Book your free Discovery Session below or shoot me an email at

Terra Ayres Virtual Health and Wellness Coach

“I highly recommend Terra Ayres as Certified Health and Wellness Coach. I find she has all the necessary qualifications to fit her title. I find her intelligent, competent, empathetic, and very personable. She’s helped me make changes that have significantly improved the quality of my life.”

Sales Representative and Father of 2, California

Hey Terra – I wanted to give you some feedback on this week’s episode and tell you I love that you started by telling us to “table the action” because we really want to focus on how we’re feeling and that’s the big motivator that helps us with perspective so thank you! I also love that you talk about “our essence” because I really believe that by looking deep inside ourselves and celebrating our essence (who we are at our core) is what drives us and what makes us feel empowered (at least for me)! Thank you, thank you and I will be watching the rest of the video later tonight curled up with my pup!!


“I would highly recommend Terra Ayres as a Health and Wellness Coach. The time I have spent with her has helped me find new ways to approach my goals that I had never thought of before. Her positive and helpful support kept going as I met my goals. She is very knowledgeable and caring. She has really made a difference in my well being.”

Interior Decorator, Illinois

“Terra is exactly what I was looking for in a Life Coach. No matter which area we’re working on, I always come away from our sessions with a clearer vision of what I’m trying to accomplish, ideas for a plan to accomplish the vision, and motivated to work the plan. I’ve lost over 40 pounds and have the systems in place to continue being the healthy person I’ve become.”

Data Analyst, Illinois

Terra……”bookending” my week with you is exactly what I have been missing on my weight loss journey! Thank you for the opportunity to preview and give feedback on your new weekly coaching video subscription! Being able to sit down for 30 minutes at the start and end of each week with a your video makes a big difference in my commitment to my goals. Without having you to walk me through it, I was not doing it at all even though I knew it was helpful to me on my journey before. I think you are spot on with the information and motivation you share and the questions you ask really do make me slow down and think. I already feel re-energized so hurry up and launch it so I can keep going:)


“I look forward to my sessions with Terra. I find them to be productive, inspiring, and enjoyable. Terra is not only caring, she’s also an exceptional listener who is not afraid to ask some tough questions to move me forward! I appreciate her dedication and passion for wellness. It is clear that Terra is not only very good at what she does, but also really cares about her clients.”

Financial Planner, Illinois

Terra, when I first saw the video about journaling this week I thought… hmmm. I wasn’t sure. I finally had some quiet time to really, really sit and listen. WOW! You’re amazing and doing what you are meant to do!! You left me with so many thoughts and made me dig deeper into myself. This really has me thinking about my journey and my feelings. Thank you so much!! Also, never limit yourself to a time. That would be a shame if you did. Use what time you need! I am going for a walk now and will be in deep thought.


“Terra is a wonderful Health and Wellness Coach. She really listens to me and is so supportive and helpful. I feel like she leads me in the right direction with very positive ideas that I can use in my life. I am very grateful to be working with her.”

Retired Elementary School Teacher, Illinois

Hi Terra. This week’s video was fabulous. It really made me think about what my intentions are, what I did well this week and how I made those positive things happen because I did have a really good week. I’m taking time to reflect on why I had a great week and what made it easier for me to do the things I did this week that led me to a 2 pound weight loss. Loving being a part of this thank you thank you.


“Working with Terra has helped me take the needed steps to make positive changes in my life. I look forward to our sessions, they are thought provoking and motivate me to continue working on myself.”

Teacher and Mom of 4, Texas

Setting Yourself
up for

Discover your potential with Terra Ayres

Terra’s Tips

two dogs


Work with


Terra Ayres Health and Wellness Consultant


Discover your potential with Terra Ayres

Bookend Your Week
with Terra Club